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Writer's pictureJoseph Gitau

The Year That Was, and The Year That is to Be

So 2023 has been arguably my most productive year, both in terms of what I've done publicly as well as behind the scenes. And I must say I'm really proud of myself for what I've accomplished. After turning thirty in August, releasing two books as well as being part of an anthology, making progress in my game Heathen's Hollow as well as releasing a few posts, it's definitely been a positive year. But it hasn't been all roses. I still struggle with a lot of insecurity, and figuring out if I'm doing the right thing, and not to mention the plethora of technical issues I've faced trying to get everything up and running. But despite all that, I can't really complain.

So what was I up to this year? Well, I guess the best place to start is with my writing since that was where I was probably the most productive. It started off in Feburary where I was part of an ND anthology where we shared our stories on how we dealt with grief. It then rolled into August and September when I published Shadow of Hearts and Divine Wars: Awakening respectively. Btw, in case you were interested, I've been working on both books for around five years now. So having both released is definitely a weight of my shoulder. I then went into November where I started a new manuscript in Order of Creation. I managed to hit my 50k word target, but the story itself isn't over. I'll pick it up next year between my current active Wattpad stories, Eternal Kingdoms: Alliances and The Eldarain Four.

Outside of that, I guess most of my time was spent on Heathen's Hollow, the RPG I've been working on for a few years now. Most of my attention was spent tweaking the basic battle system as well as the world it takes place in. I also started working on the main plot points, but that's for another day.

And that was this year in a nutshell. What can you look forward to next year? Well, I want to tackle AI and its effect on the creative and influencer industries. It's something I've been fascinated by, and wanted to see what has happened and where AI would stand today compared to a human being who has worked in that field for a long time. On top of that, I do want to try getting back into recording Let's Plays. I made an attempt this year, but I wasn't too happy with it, so I'm hoping this new attempt feels more natural. I'm also planning on incorporating Jagger Grande Entertainment so that all my creative projects for both games and animation can be done from one place. You can also expect chapters from my Wattpad stories as well as blog posts as well, so keep an eye out.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who helped me through the year. Whether it was chipping in when I needed to cover bills or fix my laptop, every little bit helped. I know at the moment I'm a small time creator with an erratic schedule, but every time my community stepped up when I needed, and I'm extremely grateful. I also want to give an extremely special shoutout to Mara Reboi. They're the ones who did the covers for my books, the character art for The Billionaire's Club, as well as the artwork for Shadow of Hearts. Without them, this year wouldn't be nearly as productive as it was.

Welp, that's it for now. As usual, check out my Patreon and Ko-fi if you want to support me, and look forward to more from me.

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